Hannah was glad the week was over - while performing was always enjoyable once she was on stage, the recovery time afterwards seemed more draining as the months passed. The house had been only half full last night, and she remembered the way her voice had echoed softly against the polished wood, surrounding the audience in music. At least some people still knew how to appreciate the simple, etheric melodies a voice and a piano could create.
With limited time before her flight left, she had bypassed changing after the concert, instead going directly to the airport.
An uneventful flight as always, she became slightly impatient as the carousel began to disperse the baggage off the plane, and there was still no sign of her box. Joey traveled with her everywhere, ever since his own musical career had been cut short by a freak accident. When she sang at Carnegie, the vase on the piano had held his ashes, and the she remembered the way she could have sworn that he was adding his own touches to the piano accompaniment, even then. He was never one to let an artistic muse go unteased.
Taking a sigh of relief, she finally saw the package approach, simple brown paper giving no clue to the contents inside. Hugging the box tightly, she smoothed the evening gown she still wore and stepped outside to flag a taxi.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna