Originally Posted by ratbastid
Yeah, maybe. And it might be you...
Originally Posted by tecoyah
"This "genuinely nice guy" sounds like nothing more than a robot designed to cater for her highness..."
Originally Posted by Poppinjay
...What people are telling you is that YOU are 100% responsible...
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
...what were they looking for that you weren't giving or contributing?...
Just another voice in the crowd with a bit of a detatched observation.
You're getting fuckin' reamed here dude. Badly. And lest you want to sulk off and think 'bunch of pricks don't know what they're talking about!' I feel like pointing out that I can say without embellishment that the people here on the Tilted Forum Project are some of the most intelligent and experienced people I have ever met. These guys do know what they're talking about. Hell, I could go all Gunny Hartmann on you too if I thought it would contribute anything at this point, but it'd be a drop in the bucket after everyone else.
You came to us for advice. We're giving it to you. Think of this as a pre-emptive suggestion to drop the ego and take it. You're the only one who can fix this and you're gonna hate yourself if you don't.