Originally Posted by Temporary_User
I know the original question has been debated to death
Yes...it has. However, since it seems to me that the main point that you're trying to make, is that the original thread may, or may not, have changed your previous convictions(?), I'll keep this potential fire bomb open...for now. Know all, and know now, that this thread WILL be actively and heavily monitored. So...play nice.
Being a parent...twice, and being pro-choice, I have to admit that some of the statements that you've referenced rattled, but did not collapse, my convictions. I find that the other thread holds a lot of value, in that it illustrates, rather heavily, that abortion is more than just a momentary decision. It's not akin to going to the doctor's office to have a boil lanced. It is a major life decision, and cannot be undone. It may be a one time trip to the clinic, but Mother's/Father's day comes every year. As I said...I'm still pro-choice. I just want people to make absolutely certain that they're making the right choice...for them.