Originally Posted by apolian
errr... I've had a couple of relationships prior to this. They all ended due to those girlfriends being unfaithful.
Thanks for the generally insulting post.
A wake-up call can frequently sound insulting. I apologize for your hurt feelings, and request you ACTUALLY READ AND LISTEN TO my advice.
Edit: By the way, yes I know I'm being fairly harsh with you. In part that's because I've dealt with closely related communication issues myself, and I know it takes a pretty good slap across the face to wake us up to what's really going on, and to have us start to be responsible for all of it. I really DO apologize that your feelings are hurt, but I DON'T apologize for hurting them in service of something, and I really want you to know I'm coming from love. Your feelings are the whole problem here: I say, hurt them until they stop hurting you.