Originally Posted by Giant Hamburger
I'd like someone (other than pattycakes) try to explain to me how my 4 year old niece who is terrified by this storm fits in to all the stereotypes listed above.
She doesn't fit at all.... and neither do most. Having family members involved brings it real close to home, and I can relate to that as well. Unless Rita's path changes, the eye will pass with 30 miles or so of my sisters house. I can't go to help her because I am on call, and couldn't get there in time even if I could. I didn't find out she wasnt' leaving until it was too late to get her to change her mind....because I was busy fighting traffic and fatigue while evacuating prisoners from prison units in the path, and in low lying areas, for almost 50 hrs non stop. We are most likely going to be headed out with our fleet of prison transfer buses evacuating people in the areas affected by flood and Rita starting Sunday.
Nobody deserves having to deal with a hurricane, whether you live in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, or anywhere else for that matter...and that goes for any natural disaster.
I guess my having several family members, and myself personally involved in this mess is what made
clavus &
pattycakes posts so irritating...... we all sterotype others all the time, whether we mean to or not, but being sarcastic about it, when something as serious as a hurricane is involved...isn't just unecessary, but wrong. Situations like these bring out the best and worst in people, and I don't see the best in those two.