May I point out that, in terms of why you need to wash your hands, the urine is irrelevant? Getting urine on your hands is absolutely harmless. It's even possible to save and drink your own urine in an emergency. Some people do it because they believe it's purifying and it strengthens the immune system. It doesn't, but it is mostly harmless.
Do you know what punji sticks are? Bamboo stakes sharpened and coated in feces and driven into the ground then covered with leaves or other ground cover, or in mud or tall grass to disguise them. A soldier steps on them, or is impaled. The wound itself isn't dangerous, but the infection is very dangerous, can lead to the loss of a limb, or in rare cases, death. The culpret is the coliform bacteria that are produced in the intestines and bowels. This is also why being "gut shot" or any other bowel perforation causes a slow, painful death; the leaking intestines infect the other vital organs with their coliform bacteria.
These same bacteria are hanging out on the surface and in the pores of your skin in your genital area. They can't be washed off; they're normal flora. So long as they stay there, we're all fine. However, whenever you touch yourself down there, you're picking some up. If you then touch something you're going to eat, or something someone else is going to eat, or another surface that someone else is going to touch, you're spreading your germs around.
You may have a little natural immunity to those produced in your own body (but don't count on it), especially if you've been exposing yourself constantly through poor hygiene habits, but the rest of us don't.
If that's not enough, keep in mind that frequent hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of disease. Even if you're not worried about your own health, say because you've got a very healthy immune system, it would be quite courteous to the rest of us to periodically wash your hands so as to not pass things along that you've picked up from surfaces or deposit things on surfaces others will touch.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert