what if someone lives near an emptry stor front... then a day care moves in....it is in no way fair to make the convicted person move. they did the crime they payed the time so now dont screw them more.
sure its a good idea to not allow them to live close to these areas ( i guess ) but if someone alread livs there and a schpol or day care wants to move in the daycare or school should be told its not allowed
"Only offenders who lived at their current addresses before July 1, 2002, or before a school or day care center was built are exempt from the law."
maybe im paronoid but this says before 2002 so if they opened up a place now wouldit still be grandfathered?
Originally Posted by Redlemon
...but if you only add files and you never delete, there's nothing to cause file fragmentation, so pattycakes is correct.