9-23-05, This morning the scale came back at 238. That's a 72 lb total loss.
While I'll admit that I do look A LOT better than I did, I'm still somewhat taken aback by how many people are telling me "You look fine, and should stop dieting." or "What's your goal? (I tell them it's to be 200 lbs.) That's too thin for your height, you should stop dieting."
Well, they don't see me with my shirt off, I still have a gut and man-boobs, yes, they are smaller than before, but still there. According to
http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.htm , a man my height ( 6'4" ) should be somewhere between 155 and 204. Now 155 would make me skin-&-bones, THAT is definately WAY too thin. But me aiming at 200 is still on the upper end of the scale, which I think is very realistic.
Even with that goal in mind, once I get to 200, I may want to take off another 10+ lbs depending on what I look like. I know I have very little muscle mass, because for a formerly "big guy" I was remarkably weak. As long as I continue to lose weight in a healthy manner, I see no reason to stop.