Its very obvious to me that she regrets getting the abortion. I think without coming out and asking you she is trying to read if you feel the same way. She is hurting and is trying to feel if you are hurting too. If you truly love this girl and feel she is the one for you, you need to initiate a talk about this by doing something subtle. Something like saying out of the blue "we would be parents" now or something to that effect. You need to somehow let her know your feelings, you need to have some remorse about it also (which I believe you do). You also need to build your relationship off of this. If as you say this girl is the one for you, you have to tell her that one day we will be married and at that point we can start a family. She is looking for hope right now and is also looking for a way to cope with this. By telling her she is the one and that everything is going to work out it will give her comfort. You need to let her know your feelings on this, I believe that is what she is looking for.
Warning: When you did hit the right cord and she does open up, expect her to get real emotional about it, she should , she is bottling up the pain inside. But she needs to get it out and you need to find a way for her to get this out. Be prepared for this and be prepared to pick up the pieces but if she is the one, this will be worth it.
I have been through this, unfortunatley it didn't work out with my situation. Not because of the abortion just because we were both young and we grew apart.