Originally Posted by alansmithee
AL will be Yanks, White Sox, Angels, and Indians. The way I think that would play out seeding is like so:
Yanks vs Indians
White Sox vs Angels
Yanks and Angels meet, with Yanks back in the series.
NL is the Cardinals all the way (the other teams don't even really matter). They have a true ace this year, so should be clear sailing. Who's gonna beat them, the Padres?
And in the series, Yanks over Cardinals in 5 and all is well in the baseball world.
The seeding would look like that IF the White sox hold off the Tribe and well.........
2 out of 3
I seriously do not think the Yanks are going to be a factor, hell they may not even make the playoffs. When the Tribe overcomes the White Soc the Yankees hopes are beating Bosux for the Eastern title and I don't see them doing it.
I see seeding as:
Cleveland vs. Cali/Oak (this is just way too close to call)
Cleveland having the better win/loss so should have home field advantage (I think that's how it is determined for the division winners)
Boston vs. Chitown
Chitown takes on Boston because W/C cannot play same division in playoffs
Quite frankly, I am starting to think the White Sox with the W/C may get a fire the first series and kick ass....
so I'm amending my previous ALCS prediction to say:
Cleveland vs. Chitown...... Cleveland in 5
In the N.L. Houston's pitching is scary for a short series....... Clemens, Oswalt and Pettitte......
The only team that I think may stop Houston is the Braves. The Cards don't have the pitching and pitching wins series.
I just don't see the Cards nor the Yanks in the WS...... I think the way Cleveland has been going and the way the season has gone..... it is their destiny to win it all this year.