Thread: In God We Trust
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Old 09-22-2005, 01:18 PM   #51 (permalink)
Kiss of Death
Location: Perpetual wind and sorrow
Originally Posted by ElvenDestiny
Actually that’s not true Tspikes if anything our country was not only founded by christians, but Deist's, pagans, Jewish, Native American, and many other cultures/religions, we've even had a President or so found to be Deist, and though I do agree Christians were the majority that doesn’t say they were the only ones. Religious groups from around the world flocked to the idea of religious freedom and that’s what founded the United States, and then we are given our religious freedom but at the price that we have to stair at the majority’s idols and sayings all day long. Its freedom but its freedom with conditions. And on a second note stop using the idea of Christians being the founders only became there the majority, there’s no choice but for Christianity to be the majority the founders of Christianity raped, pillaged, destroyed, and killed their way to that status.
Yes Jesus and all of the Matryr'd Apostles were so truly vicious.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.
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