Dude, take a look at all of the posts here on Tilted Sexuality about the poor bastard that wanted to take it easy and instead found that he had arrived IN THE FRIEND ZONE.
Do you want to be in this zone? By having her relax, giving her a non-threatening massage, you are walking that path.
If you want to date this girl, tell her that. "I want to show you how cool I am so that when I ask you out on a proper date in two weeks, you wan't be able to say no. Tonight, just relax and treat me like a trusted counsellor, or consiglierie (sp? Godfather reference.) I can make all of your problems go away."
Do the Marlon Brando accent, and lighten up the mood.
DON'T walk down the friend path. You will just be right back here in two weeks crying because she "Doesn't look at you that way". Get it out in the open!
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.