Just because I believe we have free will doesn’t mean I know we have free will, there is always room to ask questions.
And as you just stated about the cycle, and everything not being perfect, there is no proof of that it is your opinion and one probably shared but many, but not myself, I do believe however we are natural, but the minute amount of methane gas that comes from a cow's ass is nothing compared to even the amount of toxic fumes that comes from the ass of a car.
To even remotely equal the amount of toxic fumes that our technology disperses each hour of each day you would have to over populate the world with 100 billion more cows than the world has humans.
And with us utterly destroying forest life on an hourly basis what is there to keep the balance of the toxin’s we dump into our life?
Please do not try to argue with me that we keep the balance and cycle in anyway cause that is obviously NOT true and its denial to think otherwise.
Every second you’re reading this millions of forest animals are dying because we steal their homes for no good reason. As death is a normal process to the cycle what we cause is out side of this cycle, its unneeded death.
If you believe that what we are doing is ok then you might as well admit yourself a Nazi and believe that the genocide that Hitler had in mind was and OK idea. Because what we are doing to nature is no different then what Hitler did to the Jewish/Natives/ and all others who were impure. But of course we have our Denial, and since it’s benefiting us its OK!
I don’t mean to be touchy on this type of subject but I am and that’s my nature.
Now this is getting completely off subject and I appologise for that.
And my question on whether or not something was meant to happen as not only a rhetorical question, is was also a sarcastic one.
A trees touch could be so soft it could steal you from reality.
A winds whisper could be so fierce it could steal your life away.
Last edited by ElvenDestiny; 09-22-2005 at 10:20 AM..