My question is this: is it REALLY that offensive? Assuming we are talking about the Judeo-Christian God, and you are an atheist, or a buddhist, or a gnostic or whatever else...
The United States was founded by Christians. It's foundation was built upon by Christian men with Christian beliefs and ideals. These men put their faith and trust in God, and they sought His wisdom and direction as the United States was born and began to grow.
Now there is today in the USA a large contingent of people who don't trust in God. But I think that if you asked the majority of Americans, regardless of their faith preference, you would get a resounding response in favour of keeping the "In God We Trust" motto in place. It's historical and spiritual in significance.
Americans on the TFP, I ask you... are you truly and deeply offended by the phrase "In God We Trust" ? Are you offended to the point where you think that because of your being annoyed, the United States should forever remove this motto and replace it with something far less significant, or historically relevant? Is it fair to remove it, keeping in mind the rich tradition and culture of Christianity in the United States past and present???
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys