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Old 09-21-2005, 07:14 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Denver
Why she was there he hadn't a clue. Not that it mattered really, his connecting flight was bording and his rows would likely be called within the next few minutes. An impatient woman brushed past him, dragging her oversized carry on luggage in one arm and her screaming child in the other. He thought with a chuckle that the carryon had the better end of the deal after seeing her grip on the child.

His view was blocked for a moment but soon enough, there she was. A loosely curled loch fell from the crest of her styled hair to dangle along side her slender face. It's Auburn hue with the red streaks only served to bring out the finer highlights of the dark shade of cherry blossom lipstick she had selected for this occasion. Her face was an open book. At this moment she looked more like a child waiting for her parents to pick her up from kindergarten's first fearful day of school.

Her eyes fell on the small brown package and her tension visibly evaporated. Even with her palpable anticipation she stood in place and waited as the package slowly came down the esclator where it was freed from it's snail's pace by the slick angled metal sheets that would deposit it promptly against the bumper car styled edges that slowly circled the courasel. She eyed the box as it continued its journey around the far side of the device and waited as it rounded the corner on it's collision path with her waiting hands.

She was a beauty. Her chest rose and fell with each waiting breath. The dress she was wearing complimentd her very well. Her black evening dress hugged her just right showing no slack, yet the perfect amount of stress required to hold it firmly to her. Her ear rings were a matching pair of deep ocean pearls accented with a small diamond and a fastenere at the bottom that suspended an intricate pattern of swirling diamond cut tassles. The matcing neckelace hung just above her bust and begged attention to the cleavage that rest just below. A most miniscule twitch of the eye brough her dress to bear. The small impressions made by her undergarments hinted at a french cut undergarment and what appeared to be a quite elaborate pattern of lace on the bra that was designed to enduce just these kinds of observations. His attention shifted back to the package that was creeping its way toard her.

When it was just out of arms reach , like a giddy teen, she skittered up to the carousel and excitedly grabbed the parcel and inspected it. It was a plain box, with roughly rounded corners that looked as though they were hastily folded and taped. The only marking on it was white oval tag that had the tell-tale blue trim of the airline that had trasnported it, and was merely to identify it. She held it loosely in her hands with a very familiar gate. He expected the normal shaking, bouncing, or perhaps the awkward turning of the box to see how the contents shifted inside, but it did nto come. Perhaps she didn't need to check it.

She looked around the terminal, small as it was, for some sign of confirmation that someone else might just be as excited as she was. Her sweeping glance crossed the crowd looking for something to beam at and firmly landed squarely on his gaze. He was embarrased to have her looking directly at him, but could not look away. There was an uncomfortable silence that permeated his soul, and he wondered how she could have such an effect on him from that distance.

Her eyes looked into his and he could see the compassion, elation and simple appreciation that she felt at finding an outlet at this moment. As a matter of convenience he had recieved the excited energy that she had fired off. While he had on clue what was going on, he felt tht he was now part of this instead of a simple bystander or voyeur.

He decided that since he had already been caught in the act of sharing her experience vicariously, he might as well give her the courtesy of a smile and a nod ackowledging that he noticed her. Her eyes twinkled in recognition of his guilty concience and In return her face smiled even larger than it had been and she issued a short giggle as if to say "it's ok .. ".

"Now boarding rows twenty-five through fourty-five, form a line at the gate and please have your tickets out and ready"

He glanced down at his ticket and begrudgingly noted that his seat was 38F, an undesiarable seat in the middle of the row offering him a likely prospect of a long flight with on chance of breathing room. At least he would not have to sit by the woman and her child that had already borded further back in the cabin.

He looked at the forming line and decided that he would wait until the other passengers had borded before getting in line. His glance once again scanned the termial and fell upon her waiting gaze. Had she been staring at him this whole time? He now felt obligated to at least introduce himself. He picked up his tote bag and slowly shuffled in her direction. He was more than a little intimiadted at her beauty and her hazel eyes remained locked on him.

"So, what do you have there?" .. he regretted asking it as soon as the words spilled from his mouth. Why couldnt he have been suave and said something about how she looked, or ask her name? It must have been that his brain wasn't working right. God, she was beautiful!! She looked down at the package and smiled. She looked back up at him and said "A Great conversation piece..." Her voice came softly yet confident. She had a commanding voice and it showed strength and feminity in equal portions. Her tone hit home and he went weak at the knees. He liked everything about this woman, and it worried him. He was confused a bit, and he tried to put her words into perspective. Not quite what he'd been expecting to hear.

"It's ok Micky... It's for you" was her reply to his befuddled look. Did she know him? She must... as she used his informal name and not the widely known "Marcus" that often accompanied his every day life.

Now he was completely lost.

sorry .. got cut off .. will contiue later. (emergency)

Silver Tiger (Dan)
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