Originally Posted by asaris
It's just like a knife used in a murder -- even though it is being used for evil purposes, it can still be a good knife.
Actually, I thought of a knife as a perfect example of everything being evil. All sharp blades cut indiscriminately. If an innocent child picks up a knife by the blade, it cuts him. It doesn't matter that he is innocent, it acts in an evil way upon him. In fact, no matter who you are, how good or evil you are, if the edge pulls across your flesh it will hurt you. If the knife itself were truely good, it would not cause anyone harm... even if used for that purpose. The knife does not do that because it exists for one reason, to rend what was whole. To do this so indiscriminately sounds evil to me.
Originally Posted by analog
"Good" and "evil" are both forces. I don't believe that either could simply be the "lack of" the other.
How do you know this? Is it faith, or do you have a logical reason to believe so? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be an ass or anything... I, personally, do not know if one, both, or either actually exist. I'm always looking for reasons to feel one way or the other.