Originally Posted by xepherys
Community does not require much in the way of language. Tribal communities often have extremely simple language and cannot express nearly as much as we can. They communicate only for the sake of working together. This makes PC even more moot, but also limits the possibilities. I think there are things that build community that are FAR more important, and less restrictive than PC language or not saying "fuck". Perhaps pay less attention to trying so hard not to offend people, and at the same time, be less offended by others. It allows for free(er) speech, and allows people to work together without getting all in a tizzy.
I think you have missed the point of language.
We live in a very complex world. We have developed a complex language to understand this world. ALL meaning and understand derives from language.
Just to be clear, without language there is no meaning or understanding.
The word fuck carries with it a number of meanings most of which are related to the context in which it is used. However, regardless of context it is generally understood that fuck is a base word. Using it freely, signifies the user of the word as lower class or uncouth.
For example, I do not like to wear suits and ties. That said, I own several suits (as well as the associated accessories) as it is important when I am going on a sales trip that I look the part of a "respectable businessman". Wearing a suit signifies this to my intended audience. They see the suit and make an assumption. If I then proceed to speak Eubonics at them, heavily laced with "swear" words. Their opinion would change.
We have complex language so I can say, "Fuck you!" and you know that I don't mean, "Good morning!"
I also think you have missed the point when you say, "freer speech". You are free to say what you like. But if you wish to be understood you follow the general rules that apply to being understood.
Again, the cool thing about language is that you can play with these rules. You can change and alter meanings freely. Language is fluid like that. The problem is, if you are the only one engaged in this change, you will quickly find out that nobody understands you, thereby defeating the purpose of language in the first place.