The new original post - aren't the two washington post articles the same, except the second one has no pictures?
I find it most curious that despite Rove's presence there hasn't been more talk about his role. Other than Host's articles which basically state in the middle paragraphs that Rove will be helping to oversee reconstruction, I haven't seen much mention of his role. Frankly, I found the talk in the first article of a "reconstruction czar" more compelling - and wondered what it could mean in light of Rove's current role.
Finally, from the Washington Post article Host posted, your moment of zen:
Originally Posted by The Washington Post
"There's no shortage of places where the federal government can tighten its belt to pay the cost of the hurricane recovery effort," said Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). "Let's face it, after years of uninterrupted growth, the federal government is bloated." Other Republicans have contradicted that assertion, including House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), who has said "there is no appreciable fat in the federal budget."