Personally, if I really need to base any kind of belief in the guy, I think I'll trust Josephus, Jewish and hebrew historians and Egyptian records that refer to the HEBREW people.
Lets get a few things right.
White is too general. Stand an Iraqi next to a Nigerian and the Iraqi can be tarred with the white brush.
Black is too general too. Put the Iraqi next to a blonde Swede and he is tarred 'black'.
I think we all ageree that he is not caucasian, but that he's also not negroid.
Check out this link if you really are bothered by the whole deal. Hebrew scholar that has REAL references, not half-assed 'we all used to be kings and queens Janet Jackson' bullshit.
That link points out that there's a lot of diversity and skin shading amongst the Hebrew tribes, going from very blonde with blue eyes to red hair and over to dark 'mediterranean' features.
Also remember that the Hebrews at the time of Christ were not fresh out of Egypt, they had been taken to Babylon as slaves and released few hundred years before.
The persians are the original Aryan people and would have contributed a lot to the then hebrew genetic makeup and features. Remember that word Aryan... some other guy was on about it half a century ago and it's funny what the considered features for Aryans were...