No. Nothing i said could support that repellant idea. What i am stating is that i believe evil to be real. It is a grave and serious problem, stemming from disrelationship with God and causeing all manners of injustice and atrocity.
But i also believe that God's reconciling love is greater than any evil, and should the guilty repent, that God offers forgiveness, and shows the path away from destruction and evil. To my knowledge, none of the tyrants you listed have/did repent, and seek forgiveness and reconciliation. It is not my place to judge the living or the dead. But as far as we know their works, these men did great evil. I do not know how any of us will meet God's justice, but i confess that i do believe all come to account for what they have done.
And further, any Christian anti-semitism is a serious problem. As followers of Christ, Christians owe not just tolerance, but loving respect for our brothers and sisters. It is ours to own that our tradition has been used to persecute and create the conditions for genocide. It is an evil which we must repent, and bear the burden of attempting repair for what we have collectively wraught.
I take evil seriously. But i still hold that grace is the final word of God. For God so loved the world that God gave God's only Son, that *whosoever* believes in him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life.
There's no fine print to that. No "offer only valid in certain states, and if you haven't been really bad."
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16