But, in fact, the WAY you say "hello" can indeed mean "fuck you". Language is a fickle beast. "I love you" can also mean "I like you" to a puppy-love stricken teenager, it can mean "I love you like a friend", "I love you like family", "I love you like a lover", "I want to get into your pants", "I want you to shut up so I'll say I love you even though I don't".
Language only means what we allow it to mean. Trying to interpret not just words, but situations, context, intonation, et cetera can be a huge pain in the ass. It's no wonder wars are fought. Maybe if there was a unified language that meant only what was said (exactly) we WOULD all just get along.
I agree that, with children, it's a matter of respect. But I would also expect my kids to be able to call it how they see it. If someone is being prissy, I don't get upset when they say, "Hey! Get over yourself!" The truth is, in fact, the only thing that's the truth.
Lastly, what's wrong with saying "fuck" all the time? The current, 21st century meaning behind the word varies. It can mean an act of fornication. It can be an expletive stemmed from a sudden experience of pain or suprise. It can be an agitated word, followed by a stream of other agitated words. If someone says ANYTHING all the time it's annoying. i'd be just as bothered by somone who walked around saying "Spoon!" everytime something made them mad. Did you ever watch the smurfs? Those smurfing smurfs with their smurfy smurfing. That's possibly even MORE annoying than, Those fucking smurfs and their fucking stupid fucking language.
Though that's just me...