Genom I must point out you still never answered the question of defining what you mean by evil?
Do you mean as they say the devil is? Or just every day occurrences?
Honestly if you ask me evil exists in a form unique to each individual person.
As for the other countries having problems I look at it this way, If we would have never helped them in the first place, or had Christian’s never domesticated them, they wouldn’t be in the situation they are in now. Unfortunately hind site is 20/20 and there’s no real way to tell what would have happened otherwise. And I feel to some extent we as a state are obligated to help them now cause of what we have done to them then.
But I did not do it that was in the past so it depends on how you look at it.
A trees touch could be so soft it could steal you from reality.
A winds whisper could be so fierce it could steal your life away.