One thing the probably bothers me a lot with the quarrel between science and religion is just that religion (more so the christian paths) are so worried that science is trying to prove them wrong. Where as some scientist maybe trying to do just that science IMO sits more in a position of like "ok so what if god started it all we don’t care about that, we want to know everything from the moment god pushes the button to now how it all took place."
If you look at it logically even if every possibility was considered, Even if someone could possibly live long enough to in every second of his life factor in these millions of possibilities what would his ending result be? Would it be "Ok the big bang did this, it sent out millions of pieces of dirt that spread across the universe, after millions of factors taken into consideration two of them collided together and each start to spin, they spun so fast and furiously that they traveled all around the newly created universe and picked up other of the displaced pieces of dirt and started to become larger, eventually other pieces of dirt effected by this movement set into place, at some point after millions of more factors this piece of dirt bounced off that piece of dirt and sent it spinning so fast it heated up into a ball of fire, which in turn pulled more pieces of dirt that have become enlarged to it and started spinning them around in the cycle thus creating our solar system.
Then as the world spun (yet another million factors come into play) an electromagnetic field began to stir from whatever movement and between it and the heat from the newly made sun and all the other millions of factors now taken into consideration, elements have now been created, now after a million more factors taken into consideration life has been created. Now Billions of years later each moment of existence a million other factors considered life is, as we know it.
What have we accomplished? A wasted life to explain something that half the people of the world will not understand. What else? Nothing, still remains what caused the big bang? Can that be proven to have existed? No. Why cause no one was there to see it, it happened so long ago how could we even believe we can determine 1) whether or not it happened or 2) what dictated it happening.
I apologize for my abundance of lamin terms and babbling in that statement lol.
A trees touch could be so soft it could steal you from reality.
A winds whisper could be so fierce it could steal your life away.