Hrandani I would have to agree the latter you stated doesn’t sound vary random. But would you be inclined to say this wasn’t random?
Your walking down the street and you happen to approach a tree, for whatever reason you stand near it for a minute, maybe your lighting a smoke, maybe your adjusting whatever your holding, maybe you've decided you want to hug it, you dictate that part lol. Anyway, so you stand there just long enough for a person not paying attention to toss a bucket of water out of the window right on top of your head, and you get drenched.
Is this randomness in your eyes? Or did something else dictate that whole event? Obviously it’s impossible to really tell because there are other factors to take into consideration, but in your eyes, was it randomness?
Also with your first statement of the girls boyfriend calling not being random, there’s other possibilities you have to take into consideration there too, Id find it pretty random if my x girlfriend of 3 years ago called me to day but only if she had died 3 years ago.