I like the new opening. I personally think you should express your contempt for the government openly and freely - I just think you're not going to get much response from other TFP members when you also express open contempt for them. I don't think the majority of people in the United States, or on this board, are out to "ruin America," as I think you would posit that their actions / beliefs naturally imply. What I find interesting in these threads is how people with obstensibly the same fundamental goals (if you asked them - life, liberty, etc would come up) can come to such divergent positions. That said...
I don't think it's any surprise that Rove is involved in this, although I am a little surprised that the Administration would make that public - given the recent issues surrounding the credentials of Brown. I personally think that it can be guarranteed that large corporations will make good money off this reconstruction effort, if you have a government in place that believes in a version of deficit spending / trickle down economics. I also believe that you can bet that there will be a large amount of superficial clean up, which isn't limited to this administration but I think has become a fundamental part of our culture. Lack of craftsmanship - throw away culture, etc. In this case, you'd better believe that the administration will be using some of this for damage control. If nothing else, mid-term elections are coming up.
In short, yes I'm sure that the administration will take advantage of this situation as much as they can, and recover as much damage control as possible. Professional politicians will be professional politicians.
edit a last note host, I don't think anyone is taking umbrage with the amount of sources you post. Well, I know that people have taken it up, but I don't think the majority of the responses here about your original posting style were keying on that aspect. I think it was more your tone in the OP.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style
Last edited by pig; 09-20-2005 at 07:37 AM..