I met both my girls on the same night. It was after hours at the comic book store I owned at the time. I was a Storyteller for a Live Action Vampire the Masquerade game, and they had both arrived from out of town to play, having received from a friend one of the mass flyers we had sent out to drum up interest in the game. I was running a Non Player Character that night I had devised to help set up the plot-a hardcore Provisional IRA supporter of the Brujah clan that was trying to undermine the Prince in town (the Prince being The Man of the Vampire world in this game).
I was dressed all in Military BDU's with a bunch of chains and padlocks attached as my costume, and a beret on. Since I speak Gaelic pretty fluently, and have a brogue, it was a natural character for me to play. After the game, we traditionally all went to Perkins to have breakfast at 3 or 4 am, and they started talking to me, as they had a passing interest in Irish politics and culture. The rest, as they say, is history.
Don't mind me. I'm just releasing the insanity pressure from my headvalves.