1) Got a speeding ticket?
2) Had a steak?
3 weeks ago (for the first time at the age of 24)
3) Kissed someone?
5 minutes ago
4) Had a crush on someone you shouldn't have?
Can't remember one recently... probably in college.
5) Said something you immediately wished you could take back?
Bout a year ago.
6) Skipped class or called off of work?
In grad school.
7) Loved someone so much it hurt?
Every day.
8) Hurt someone you love?
Bout a year ago
9) Denied yourself because what was "right" overruled "desire"?
Pretty much every day.
10) Were drunk/high?
11) Wished you could sink into the floor?
12) Felt on top of the world?
Last Week
13) Had breakfast in bed?
I don't know if i've ever had breakfast in bed.
14) Bit your tongue when you wanted to speak out?
At work recently i'm sure.
15) Did a random act of kindness?
Do it constantly.