I guess I'm the only one who thinks the way I do, but why would you want to be friends with someone (In hopes of a relationship) who is insistant on being friends with the person they cheated on you initially?
Look this is how it is, read it and read it close.
1. A friend cant tell a friend who to be friends with.
2. A friend would never do something like this. This shows you she's not that into you. If she wants a relationship with you (which she doesnt), she would have dropped him like last weeks bad lunch.
3. By setting your foot down saying she cant be friends with him, you created a divide between you two, and made her want to be friends with him just to spite you.
4. This "friendship" isnt going to work, you're still VERY sore (and deserve to be) about how she betrayed you. It didnt work, now she wants you back? Doesnt sound like a friend let alone anyone you want to date.
5. IMHO she's just doing this to make herself feel good. So that in her mind, cheating on you wasnt so bad, because you're friends now its ok (i.e. you're cool with it, so it doesnt count). Drop her, she doesnt deserve you.