Originally Posted by HoneyPot
So here goes.... last night I didn't see him... It was a little disappointing. Anyways, I saw his friend instead... I was talking to him a little and then asked about where, lets call him Mike, was. So he gave me his number to call him... I called him, but I think I screwed up again. I called him after I got home last night. Not good. I couldn't wait to talk to him!!! I think he thinks I was being a drunk dialer, but I really wasn't. Anyway, he was in another town at another bar. Too bad. I texted him today, just to clear up my 'drunk dialer' name.... DID I SCREW UP AGAIN? AM I LOOKING TOO DESPERATE? ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! 
Why yes, yes you did. Please refer back to my original post. In my estimation, you did pretty much the exact opposite of everything you should have done.
1) No talking to his friends.
2) No asking his friends where he is.
3) No getting his phone number from his friends.
4) No calling him immediately after getting his number.
5) No text messaging him the next day to apologize for 1 - 4.
It would be easier for you to send him a text message right now saying "Don't ever talk to me again." That would have the same effect as what you did.
Imagine you meet a cool guy in a bar and you get his digits. You don't call him because it's been a busy week and you couldn't have seen him, even if you wanted to. You have a friend in from out of town who wants to go to this bar across town. So, you go with her to this other bar and are having a nice time. Then your girlfriend calls you up and says "Hey, you know that guy that you met last week. Yeah, he is at the same bar tonight and came up and asked me about you. He kept talking about you so I went ahead and gave him your digits. I hope you don't mind." An hour later, the guy calls you from outside a bar and says "Hey, what's up? Remember we met last week? Yeah, well I am at the same bar and was wondering if I was going to see you? How come you didn't call me this week? blah - blah - blah" The next morning, you are just waking up when you get a text message on your phone from the same guy apologizing for calling you the previous night and hoping you aren't mad and call him back when you get the chance.
Okay, so would you call that guy back? Neither would he.