This is my quick porno-music recipe:
Connect your wahwah pedal (crybaby or whatever you have). You've gotta have a wah to play classic porn music.
Turn up your amp
bar the bottom four strings (D G B E(the thinnest one) anywhere along the fret board (preferably about half way up); this sets up a cheaters minor 7th chord. Mute your low E and A (or just don't play them).
Strum back and forth on sixteenth notes while stomping on your wah pedal at an interval that feels funky to you.
After two measures of this (ie. 32 strums) slide DOWN two frets for two measures then slide up to the original fret for two measures again and keep doing this until the scene is over.
Edited: because I finally had time to sit down and play it and realized I had misinformed the public.
Last edited by vanblah; 09-20-2005 at 02:51 PM..