lol bob I totally agree with the baby thing. So annoying.
My big pet peeve is people in groups inching along the sidewalk or hallway, oblivious to the world around them, even when there are people trying to sneak by to the left and right because they actually are going somewhere. Actually, any dumb reasons that inturrupt the flow of foot traffic annoy me.
Another peeve is girls that don't have enough social grace to reject me politely when I express interest. That "You're the lowest thing on the planet, so just get out of my line of sight" look just rubs me the wrong way, and can change the mood of my whole night. I'm not being creepy or agressive, just looking to enjoy the company of new people, and a simple no will suffice if you're not interested. It's interesting that Guys are actually way more polite if they're not interested in hanging out, they'll give ya a handshake and tell you to have a good night.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim