Originally Posted by shakran
And you need to stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist. Where do you get off interpreting people's motives for them? How do you know he's trying to keep the blacks down? Simple answer? You don't know that, and to assume that is racist in and of itself. Knock it off.
I'm not calling everyone who disagrees with me racist. I'm interpreting motives by what someone says, the same as you (and everyone else) does. I don't know he's trying to keep blacks down, but based on his replies that's the most logical conclusion. And your hypocricy in this secion is truly stunning.
Your definition of colorblind is vastly different from the rest of the world's. You would perhaps gain more respect for your arguments if you at least used the same dictionery as the rest of us.
No, my definition of colorblind is different than that of people who think racism is something in the past. It's also different fron the definition of people who don't think that racial equality is something to be strived for.
Yes, we can tell you think that since you insist on painting all white people as minority-suppressing racist monsters.
A sensible person would understand that my statement was in context to government programs.
And as for painting all white people as "minority-suppressing racist monsters", all I can say is that I really know white people well, so this is false. I even have a white friend, so obviously I'm fully capable on talking about white people as a whole and understanding their motivations.
You want your cake and eat it too. Either AA is a program meant to help those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged or it is not. On the one hand you say it is because of all the socioeconomically poor blacks. On the other hand you say that a poor white guy shouldn't get the same benefit simply because he is white and someone who looked like him 200 years ago had slaves. Then you tell us that even if the black guy is not poor and doesn't need any help, he should get it anyway. Your position on this is either not well thought out or, more likely, drawn solidly along racist lines.
Here you are totally wrong. Not only do you give a false dillema, but you give the wrong dillema. AA is not meant to help those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, it's meant to help eliminate inequalities in the socioeconomic system that arrise from race or sex. The reason a poor white guy shoudn't get the same benefit from AA as a minority/woman is because the problem being addressed by AA is an inequality in oportunity between white males and minorities/women, and not inequalities in opportunity between socioeconomic classes. You are trying to combine two separate issues into one. Maybe if you would actually try understanding the issue at hand you would better see the point of AA. Because currently it doesn't seem you understand either the purpose of AA or the problems it seeks to correct.
No one is saying there is not a problem with racism in this country. We are saying it's not as big as it used to be (and unless you can dig up proof of multiple lynchings PER DAY in addition to multiple other abuses that no longer happen, you can't refute that). And we are saying that if we want the racial relations to improve then people have to learn to disregard skin color differences - something you are not willing to do. And that means that you are happilly stepping in line with the others who wish to perpetuate racism.
Race relations has nothing to do with AA. AA is built to address economic imbalances between white males and minorites and women, and institutional racism/sexism. That is all. Race relations is another separate issue. And you don't want people to disregard skin color, you want minorites to disregard skin color. What this comes off as is saying that minorities need to shut up and wait while whites get around to truly wanting equality. And while minorities wait for the whitocracy to come around to a true colorblind society, they sink further into poverty. Although from your point of view, I should be grateful to white people because I'm not on a plantation picking cotton, or being lynched now right?
I will gladly disregard skin color when doing so doesn't relegate those of my skin color to a lower place in society. Disregarding skin color is a problem with those who hold the power (whites) and not those who suffer from the imbalance.
I'm sorry for your grandfather, but I did not kill him. Nor did anyone else here. We will not take the blame for his murder. That's as stupid as it would be if I found out your grandfather killed my grandmother and then demanded reparations from YOU. YOU are not responsible for what your ancestors did, just as I am not responsible for what MY ancestors did. I refuse to be punished for a crime that I did not commit.
Again a racist statement. Your racism is quite apparent by now, we do not need more examples. Until you learn to see people as individuals rather than the Great White Evil, you will never be able to approach a discussion of this nature with any hint of rationality.[/QUOTE]