Step 1: Achieve a balanced budget that allows for debt forgiveness to the third world.
Step 2: Legalize cannabis; Use the government distribution centres that deal with alcohol to regulate them. Have government stamped wrapping papers that are red and white striped. You can buy a joint at the liquor and smoke store for 7.50. Or you can buy a government approved wrapping paper to store your own for 3.75. Cops can't do shit, as long as your pot is in the approved paper. Tax the shit out of the stuff, and tax the shit out of foreigners trying to visit (read Americans).
Step 3: Pour money into infrastructure, to promote business growth.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are few things in this world that are given. People like to have sex, and people like to get drunk/high. If the government could tax sex, we would be debt free. Instead, we have to tax beer and cannabis.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.