Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
Which again is not always true, my family is not that well off, I attended a school in a deprived area however I came out with top grades and attend a good university because I worked hard for my grades and what I achieved. I will admit that starting 30 yards ahead is an advantage however it can be overcome easily and successfully by applying yourself to things.
This is ridiculous. So people who face discrimination and inequality should just "apply theirselves to things"? I can't take this serious at all.
Assuming however that I and a Minority got the same grades, etc then apply for a job, the interview (assuming we should assume that the interview goes 100% right for both people) then surely the result should basically be the toss of a coin?
Nope, the minority should get the job. Chances are, he/she worked harder than you, because he/she was able to get to the same circumstances (grades, abilities, skills) despite having the disadvantage of being a minority group.
Also the analogy is flawed, Some white men started 30yds ahead, however we removed the majority of the advantage making people equal and giving them the opportunity to perform well, some people still have the advantages that money brings however its a fairly level playing field (so your average whites/blacks are startign at 0, your poor blacks/whites 5 yds behind and your rich 10yds ahead)... still an advantage but managable without programs to ensure that one group is favoured.
For one, where was the advantage removed? This is one of the biggest myths (and greatest failures) of the civil rights movements of the 50's-70's. Many people think that some magic wand was waved that instantly erased all of the racism in the country, as well as eliminating the lingering effects of past racism. This did not happen, all that happened was the most egregious examples have been somewhat abated.
Also, my analogy is near-perfect. Even assuming that the advantages break solely along economic class lines (which is wrong anyway, because a poor white guy can still put on a suit and nobody would innately see he was poor. A minority couldn't do the same quick transformation), there is still a problem because a disproportionate amount of those who are poor are black.
And as for programs that supposedly "ensure one group is favoured", all they do is try to apply some balance to a system that automatically favours white males. Again, it boils down to the fact that white males are upset because they are no longer automatically entitled to better opportuntites because of their race and sex. There are now programs in place that at least partially help to eliminate this inequality.