Originally Posted by mrklixx
I missed it b/c I was taping BSG&SGA and it would have to be on CBS since they don't replay things 100 times like Fox ,WB, and NBC.
Threshold will deal with a team of experts who are assembled when a cargo freighter makes a chilling discovery: an extra terrestrial craft has landed in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. The team is led by government contingency analyst Caffrey, and also includes a brilliant physicist with strong religious beliefs, a language and communications expert and a highly trained covert operative. Together they implement the long-gestating Operation: Threshold, charged with finding out the purpose of the landing and the fate of the freighter's crew, and preparing for the worst-case scenario of an alien invasion.
what happens after:Spoiler:
everyone on the ship is dead, a bunch are missing and when they find 1, he's gone mad and tries to kill everyone. eventualy he jumps in the water.
the team looks at the tapes recorded of the alien ship landing. Dude #1 says that it's like a 4dimentional or 5dimentional ship in 3d which looks like a big glass star rotating and twitching. The tape starts to cause super high pitch sounds which makes the team start to bleed from their nose and ears. Army dude shoots the screen.
afterward, 1 of the scientist finds out that theres like millions of sound waves in those sounds and that isolated, it makes animals start to act weird (but only the ones that were on the ship(rats, cockroachs)... scientist #2(the dwarf) looks at the weird paterns found and he translates it in DNA sequence which makes a triple helix DNA. so they know that they are REALLLLY dealing with extra terestrial beings.
they decide that to "catch" the crew from the ship, they would use the same frequency from the tape. they catch one by shooting him.(longer than this but i was eating..theres also something about a dream that THEY ALL HAD )
after he's caught, they go back outside and they see like 100 ppl standing like zombies in the same area as the sound waves. (they didnt shut it off).
so they check every body for the reason tehy showed up but not the 10000 others in the same area.
as the show ends, they're in the car/van stuck in trafic talking about the events and the camera zooms out toward the sky and you see the patern IN the city that all the cars make. it's pretty cool.

sorry for my terrible text.
part 2 next friday!