Please don't take this the wrong way because I intend no ill will with regards to what I am about to say.
First, this sounds like an awful lot of unnecessary drama. You seem a bit hung up on this issue and for some reason refuse to let it go. Like ScottKuma said, you have a right to be friends with whomever you choose. So does she. If you don't like who she opts to be friends with, then the decision is on you to remain friends with her or not. If you do not like her choice of friends, the problem is more yours than hers. Now, on to my second bit of observation...
You've mentioned that this is not the first time you've been cheated on. You have to ask yourself what is it about you that causes you to search out women who treat you like shit. I was cheated on in my first marriage. I knew the instant she came home that she cheated. The next morning she went to work. When she got home, she found a box with her more important belongings waiting for her at the door. I told her, "You don't live here anymore. Find somewhere else to stay." The fact that you've been cheated on twice - twice - and are still out for more shows me that you have some issues to deal with before you get involved with another woman. If you continue this trend, you're going to find your romantic life a parade of poorly produced soap opera episodes.
I wish you luck.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses