Ninja Gaiden - I picked it up for $15 at a local trade shop. I did it mostly because I was bored and needed something to dick around with until the new spiderman game came out.
This game is ridiculously fucking hard. Even on normal, which I assume must be somewhat easier than 'hard', this game is fucking impossible. And while I'm on the subject, what's the deal with two difficulty selections? Normal and Hard? Where's the choice for "weak-ass" or "just looking to kill some time while my pizza rolls cook?" There is a very fine line between accomplishment and irritation.
I can kill ninjas. I can kill bats. I figure out the 'puzzles,' if you even want to call them that. The white ninja guys gave me a lot of trouble at first, but now I do alright.
After three days of playing this game in 20 minute spurts (because it makes guthmund sad), I can't even get past the fucking white haired guy with the nunchucks. My previous strategy of whipping ass, which, to be honest, solely consisted of me jumping around like a retard on ritalin while occassionally hitting the X, B, or Y buttons, doesn't seem to work with this guy. I've read the walk-throughs, I've listened to the strategy, but I just can't get it to work.
Could've been a fun game. I guess I'm just not cut out to be a ninja. I guess I'm the anti-ninja. And being the anti-ninja is no fun at all.
I'll probably still dick around with it from time to time if I ever feel the need to induce stress, but until then the thing sits in my living room in the bin of the 'soon to be traded.'
Fucking ninjas 3/10
Edit:Either by dumb luck or...well, it was dumb luck, I've managed to make it to the fourth level. It's still ridiculously hard, but at least, I'm getting some sense of satisfaction from playing the game even it it comes at the expense of blind faith and dumb luck.
Sure is a pretty game though....
No signature. None. Seriously.
Last edited by guthmund; 09-24-2005 at 11:26 AM..