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Old 09-17-2005, 08:45 AM   #1048 (permalink)
-Ever-'s Avatar
Location: San Francisco
Originally Posted by seretogis
The 1.7 patch has brought a lot of issues out in the open -- most notably resists. My level 56 Frostbolt spell now behaves as if it was a level 56 casting it, not my 60 Mage. So, resists in PvP and PvE are noticeably higher for all casters who aren't using a level 60 spell for damage (Mages' happens to be Fireball, useless in most raiding content.)

On the bright side, though, we got Thunderfury last night and to the best of my knowledge were the first Horde-PvP guild to do so.

I dueled Gauge right after he got it (in 1h+shield mode) and was raped by the procs. I feel sorry for anyone who encounters him, the proc is insane. Pardon the QVC-image, I don't have a screenshot of just Gauge online atm so I yoinked it from our news.
Didn't they nerf the proc so that it no longer stacks? Big grats by the way, your guild has always been on top it's stuff.

New patch thoughts:

ZG is lots of fun. Requires smart, communicative groups and decent strategies. I've killed five of the 6 sub-bosses. If you're questioning ZG, check out the loot drops then get back to us

Onyxia was stealth buffed. We usually down her with much ease but this time we couldn't do it in three tries. 1st got her to 5% with a full group left then suddenly we bombed..., 2nd was about 25% with a torn up group remaining, and 3rd to about 35%. The fight is a lot more random now and not as formulaic. I'm all for making things more challenging but man was it random.

Edit: We killed Onyxia today but man was it still a "stay-focused" fight.
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Last edited by -Ever-; 09-18-2005 at 08:53 PM..
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