Originally Posted by Gilda
Thank you.
I've been saying for years that our sexuality is hardwired into the brain.
It's nice to have a conservative agree with me for once.
I would, however, grant Gwen Araujo the same courtesy of assuming that her gender was hardwired into her brain, and not determined by her genitals.
As for the rest of your post, we are so far apart on such a fundamental level that disputing it point by point would serve no useful purpose.
Many of us conservatives believe sexuality is hard wired into the brain. Even the epitome of evil, Rush Limbaugh, has stated so many times. Not all of we conservatives are bible thumpers. I am an atheist, swinger who holds a tree hugging degree plus a few more. We too are a diverse bunch
I have no doubt that to Gwen, his brain said 'she' when his body said 'he'. It’s a shame that such a congenital defect, and yes I think of it as a defect from a biological stand point, caused him such pain in his life and eventually cost him his life.
Regardless the issue isn't how one perceives themselves, but what one IS that most often matters. He was a HE not a she, he wanted to be a she, but he was SOL. Despite that he tricked a couple of mouth breathers into having sex with HIM. He was very stupid, and it cost him his life. This is not a justification of his murder, but he put himself in a very stupid situation to be in.
Is it common for transsexual to try to deceive straight men into having sex with them?
Hmmmm I just had an interesting thought (to me) and I don’t' want to start another post since it will be very spammy.
If a man is about the same size as another man, wears the same cologne, and sneaks into this other mans bedroom and has sex with his 'willing' wife in the dark, was it a rape? She went along with the sex under the pretext the sex was with someone else, her husband. To me this is as much a rape as holding her at gunpoint. It was a violation of her body by someone who was not what they pretended to be.
Now lets take Gwen pretending to be a female when he was in fact male. The mouth breathers went along willing under the pretext that Gwen was indeed a female and had sex with him as if he was a female. As such did he rape them? Like the first example the sex was not forced, but Gwen was not what he pretended to be. He tricked them into having sex.
The Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary defines rape as
1. sexual intercourse with a woman by a man without her consent and chiefly by force or
Despite the fact that men can't rape other men apparently (based off several definitions) I have to wonder if the defense attorneys of the men went in this direction. I can shoot some holes in this myself, and will do so later if others don't, but it does take a interesting spin doesn't it?