I would like to preface this post with the fact that After being religeous to an extent, and seeing other religions through research and exposure, I do not currently believe that what may have been intended with the creators and progenetors of Christianity is that which came to be.
There are many sites that explain similarities of the story of Jesus to that of Hindu, Muslim, Egyptian, Myan, and other religions or diefied beliefs. I have read some fairly convincing sites that explain similarities to beliefs thousands of years older than the time of Jesus. While I do not have the time to explore these here I also question thier arguments as mostly attempting to discredit christianity under some personal guise or vendatta as well.
What I do question is the adherance to documents that were written 2000 years ago, and to believe that any direct translation is accurate, much less the multilingual conversion of the same documents through the melinnia. We can't even keep up with urban language today, much less rely on ancient translations that may or may not appply to the social idiology of the time.
Even as recently as this century there are documents being uncovered that either conincide or predate the current religeous texts that are not accepted as viable sources of information because we already have the "word of god". One thing that astounds me is the fact that many christian religeons currently use and proclaim that they are willing to accept as the word of god the bible as "Edited by King James the 1st" and his political administartion that was based in the 1500's.
I do also attest that if you read the Bible and compare it to other religious texts, they are remarkibly similar (i.e. the Koran). While I dont rule out the possibility that these ideas may have come from a more root source, I Also do not believe that these are the "direct revelations from god".
Jesus may have lived, and if he did He was a remarkable man. Whether the miracles attributed to him are as astounding as recorded, I would say that the tradition of Oral history and written changes affected by later generations make the stories more fanciful than they may have been.
Do I doubt that there once was a man named Josha/Jesus/etc.? In all likelyhood it was very probable. Were ther people of the time that were dreamers that sought a better world? Most definately. Were there Self-proclaimed prophets? Guaranteed.
I just find the likelyhood that the culmination of this person, and his match to "prophecy" and his role in christianity was very much written and re-written by people that truly wanted to believe that he was all these things.
I don't knock religeon, as often it is the bolstering strength behind improvements and positivie change (Commuinity, social and personal growth toward a common good), while in other cases it is the most destructive power in the world (Crusades, Jihad, and Apostacy and/or fighting amongs sects). I just feel that religeon is often embraced by those who need to believe that there is a "higher purpose" or a reason for being, to instill either a sense of self importance, or a sense of being a part of a larger picture.
I am comfortable knowing that I can affect my surroundings, and have a positive influence regardless of my social status, religious beliefs or any other quality that defines me in my culture. While I do not agree with religion, I do agree with the concepts therein. Be a good person, Do what you feel is right, and take the rest of the world with a grain of salt as they will likely not believe what you do.
While this post was not specifically about Jesus, I feel that I have given you my view on teh tpoic