Originally Posted by Redlemon
Here's what I think the problem is with baseball: way too many games. I have no idea how long a season is, but I just looked up the stats on the Red Sox, and they've played 146 games this year. Each game isn't even worth 1% of the end total. Losing one game here or there doesn't make much of a difference. Football (American), it matters. 16 games, every game counts.
The reason for the many games is twofold.... 1) they can't afford to play many less ticket prices would skyrocket because I doubt salaries would drop and 2) to prevent things like having sub .500 teams in the playoffs.
Baseball is great in that you can have streaks and blay very badly for a month but comeback and give the pennant a run. (The Indians are a prime example.) It's the game of summer and following teams with your morning paper is a ritual still very much in practice with many Americans.
If your star is injured and he misses 15 days you really may not lose any ground and if you do there is time to make it up.
Football would probably go longer IF it weren't so physical. After summer practice, scrimmages and the season and if the team is lucky the playoffs you are physically beaten and exhausted and probvably couldn't go any further.
Plus football, you can't afford to be streaky, just 1 bad week and a key injury can keep you home for the post season games.
Baseball is a marathon, football is a sprint.