Originally Posted by bendsley
Yeah, lets go buy AutoCAD 2006 for $3,750 or Autodesk's 3DSMax 7 for $3,055.
Shit, that makes AutoCAD LT 2006 sound like a bargain at $800.
Are you serious in recommending he goes and get's one of these products to help him design a basement? I'm sure he wants to do the construction within a year. It would take him that long if not longer to fully understand how to work with and use one of the programs you listed.
Well i got 3dstudio max 2, 3, 5, and 7. so yes if i was to do this project, which i already did many times, i'd just do it all myself. My brother got autocad #, #, and the last version. . . he could do all of this himself too.
Like i said, he could get visio which is what my dad used to design the backyard.
Not saying you should but who needs the "full" version anyways?