I'm not going to check back on this thread much, so you can reply to this or not. It's essentially irrelevant to me. However, I'd like for you to consider the following. You spend a large amount of time preparing your posts, or at least finding the information and linking it to this forum. I can only assume that in some way you wish to affect a change of consciousness and awareness of what you perceive to be a vast problem of corruption in our government, starting with the people who regularly post to these boards. I tend to agree with some of your positions, although I sometimes feel you reach a bit. That's not important. What is important is the following:
As ubertuber points out, you essentially start out by insulting anyone who reads the post by calling them an intellectually stunted, spineless bastard. You then ask them to read an amount of material equivalent to the first volume of the Encylopedia Brittanica in verbosity. They do this so that you can tell them that they are stupid after they reply. It seems to me that you are highly unlikely to affect any change in awareness when you start off from this point of departure. Depending on your goals for posting these articles to the board, I would like to ask you to reflect on the way in which you present your material. I think it is very important that people think about our government, and question our government's actions and motivations. That said, I hate to see someone with the level of interest you display to essentially place themselves on the sidelines by adopting an approach that is inherently guarranteed to fail in effecting any real positive change.
Best Regards
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style