Two housekeeping issues:
First, this link
does not link to the text you have.
Second, this link:
gives the LA Times piece without having to go into the LA Times archive and pay for it.
Also, the LA Times piece you quote has a few extra paragraphs that are not in the Boston Globe piece I found. Perhaps it is just that they are different papers, but otherwise the text matches perfectly.
As to the rest, if you want a concession that politics involves layer upon layer of machinations, then I fully concure. But after reading through every article, I find your premise of some deep connection between Bush and Abramoff to be weak. The strongest arguement, that he replaced the temporary council on Guam is your strongest, but it was done the day after; hardly time to call it a planned response. Also, both parties have close ties to their favorite lobbyists, so the "Close ties" article didn't impress me much.
I think the only thing I've gotten out of that after an hour's worth of reading is that Abramoff is probably a crook.
You certainly haven't supported your inflammatory thread title.