I just went though a similar situation. Basically, as crazy as it may sound, just go. First of all, there is the shock-factor, where your parents go "Holy Shit- I can't believe he moved out"
There are basically two results to that.
A) Your parents realize that you really aren't that terrible of a child, and realize that you are not really what they thought. This will generally happen if you are not known for doing crazy shit.
and of course, the dreaded B could occur as well
B) Get out - and Stay out!
Anyway, if A happens, see if you can work a deal with your parents, like they get off your case if you pay a little rent.
If B happens, or if A happens and you decide to keep going it on your own, judging from past experience, It isn't nearly as hard as people say it is. When I had first moved out I was pretty damn content to sit in my apartment and think "Damn... I can't believe this is really mine," therefore saving me a ton of money on entertainment. Eventually it gets old, true, but during this time you should be able to save up a couple months worth of rent.
My advice, take it or leave it, on roomates is to either move in with a really good friend, or some total stranger. So far in my experience I have lived with both. It is difficult to say which I prefered, with the friend we have a commradary, but with the total stranger, we had a lot more mutual respect for each others things and lives.
Just make sure that if there are problems you bring them up before they explode.
My financial advice is to think about the future - don't just make minimum payments on credit cards, that is going to get you nowhere. If you have a car loan, pay extra if you can. Yeah, money is a little tight at the moment, but a year from now you'll be happy that you were strapped now.
Well, there is my 2 cents worth... Good luck to you, and keep us posted.
Oh - on a final note, When I moved out, I had some clothes and a stereo. While I was in my "I can't believe this is mine" phase I was sitting in the middle of my living room floor. Buy the essentials first, and then slowly aquire the "wants "
Last edited by NoSoup; 05-21-2003 at 05:46 PM..