Originally Posted by analog
I agree with the removal of the hate crime charges only because it was an immediate reaction to the situation which had more to do with their shock over being deceived, and not about the girl. Had they slapped her, left, and gone back at some future point to kill her, then I would absolutely say it was a hate crime.
I don't think anyone is arguing that they were justified in killing him. I think calling it a hate crime if they came back may be a little iffy.
If you stole from me and I beat you up, came back later and then shot you, would it be a hate crime? No.
In his case, I could only see it a hate crime if the two guys in question had no interaction with him at all, found out a transexual lived in the house and went and killed him.
Reguardless hate crime laws are stupid. If you kill me because I'm white, or because you wanted my shoes, I'm still dead and I see no reason for you to be punished less because you liked my shoes. Hate crime laws are ways to buy votes from political groups by supporting unequal penalties under the law for the same crime.