Originally Posted by HoneyPot
The thing is that I don't take guys numbers. He offered his number first. I have this huge problem with calling guys. I don't think a girl should have to call or to say the least make the first move. If a guy really likes a girl, he will get in touch with her.
The 50's called, they want their dating protocol back! You made out with him! That WAS the first move! You should have taken his number!
Now that I have grilled you

, I will tell you what I would do...Go to the same bars this weekend at the same times. If he is there, he can't say you're stalking him because you came to the same bar last week. So, you are in the clear about being there. If you see him, wave and smile, but don't go over and talk to him. Make yourself available without initiating conversation.
WHATEVER YOU DO: do NOT mention that he hasn't called, just act cool and be friendly. Do not EVER mention that he didn't call. Do not EVER ask for his number, but if he offers it, take it.
P.S. Year 2000 dating protocol for men: Act like you don't care. Girls can't stand it when you don't chase them. They get all upset and start wondering what is wrong with them and why this guy doesn't call. "He acted like he liked me last weekend, why doesn't he act like he likes me now. Why hasn't he called?!?!" His 'inaction' does more work towards getting what he wants (you to throw yourself at him) than any 'action' he could possibly do. Your original post proves my point. You are so focused on this guy right now that there is NO WAY he isn't going to score the next time he sees you because you aren't going to risk him getting away again. At least, that is what he THINKS will become of it.
The fallacy of this protocol is that, ultimately, men still can't get past the desire to have sex. It will drive him to typical male behavior (calling, writing, flowers, dinner, etc) soon enough. Just be patient and don't act like YOU care so much that he didn't call. Women are always in the driver's seat in the dating scene as long as they keep their cool and recognize their value.