Originally Posted by wolf
I know this has been posted a million times before, but I need to know what you all think.
I really like anal sex with my wife. She isn't crazy about it, but once in a while she permits it. However whenever we do it there is always an argument. She thinks that I am gay because I am obsessed with the female ass. She thinks that because I am more attracted to that area that I am gay. Now I don't have anything against gay people at all, but I just don't feel that I am one of them. So, what say you O lords of Tilted Sexuality. What can I say to reassure her?
You're only gay if you are sexually attracted to men and have sex with men... Your wife is being ridiculous by claming you're gay due to your obsession with her ass.
Tell her to grow the fvck up... and when you want anal sex, make sure to give her plenty of oral sex first so she gets an orgasm before you penetrate her ass. Having cum beforehand will make her more receptive to anal.