Originally Posted by FngKestrel
The big problem is that the line between Mature and Adults Only involves graphic sex, which Hot Coffee is supposed to be (hahahahaha). Much like the line between R and NC-17/X.
But what kills me is the age difference. M is 17 and up, and AO is 18? I suppose the Magic Fairy of Maturity flies in before a teenager's 18th birthday and waves his Magic Wand of Grow the Fuck Up.
I've wondered the same, it looks like they modeled after the Movies. The difference is you can be under 17 and see it with your parent, but not allowed to see an X/NC-17 at all.
So you can play an M rated game as long as a parent is with you? That doesn't work...
They throw their rating on 3rd party mod creations, then forget about buying most online FPS at Wal-Mart or Target...they all gonna be rated AO...