Originally Posted by zen_tom
Wait a minute, we're getting side tracked here. I think the question boils down to two choices, Soft Randomness and Hard Randomness
Where Soft Randomness states that Something is random if it is unpredictable under normal circumstances
Hard Randomness states that something can only be truely random if it is unpredictable under ANY circumstances.
Where 'circumstances' are the practicalities/possibilities of gathering all the bits of information necessary to determine what something is going to do.
I think it's reasonable to place things like dice rolls, roulette spins and coin tosses in the soft category, and other things like quantum behaviours into the hard category. Though I would argue (from a point of faith rather than anything concrete) that even the quantum world might operate on the 'hidden variable' principle, nudging even that back into the soft category.
Hidden variables in Quantum Mechanics have been ruled out by things like Bell's Inequalities. Quantum scale phenomena such as radioactive decay are truely random and causeless.